In the recent media craze over Geraldine Ferror's racial accusations, former Governor Spitzer's indecent act, and Reverend Jeremiah Wright's "fiery"comments, American's have been pulled in every direction. The mass media has blogged us down with 360 coverage of these pitty issues that are not solving problems for Americans. The mass media no longer leaves room for the common viewer to form an educated opinion on the issues of substance. Why are we allowing prostitutes to get prime time coverage while citizens are suffering from job loss? Similar to Govonor Spitzer, Reverend Wright has quickly become the media's punching bag. I recorded today that each major news Chanel aired his controversial comments at least two times within one hour. This extensive media coverage has only acted as a catalyst in the unpopular color discussion. Last week, Senator Hillary Clinton was spared the color discussion by quickly denouncing Ferror but now the focus has shifted to Senator Barack Obama.
The American people, fueled by the media surge, placed Senator Obama in an unfavorable position. He was asked today to abandon his religious morals and dis associate himself with a person he has built a great bond with. Unfortunately for critics, Senator Obama proved to be a human. Unlike Senators McCain and Clinton, Barack Obama did not turn his back on a friend just so he could be the Presidential Nominee. Instead, he spoke out against the comments while still acknowledging the reverends good morals. It takes a true leader to be able to act in such a way without degrading someones character.
In attempt to corner Senator Obama, the media has unintentionally aided him. Through the issue of Reverend Wright, Senator Obama was given the chance to tackle the even greater issue of race. Toady, he revealed another one of his Presidential qualities, 20/20 Hindsight.
The ability to have 20/20 hindsight is a rare quality that was shared by the founding fathers along with other great leaders of this nation. Consider President Abraham Lincoln, during the Civil War he suspended Habeas corpus in response to race riots in New York. While this was a constitutional right, he had the ability to look ahead and realize that this would only help the war effort. Just as people are criticizing Senator Obama, President Lincoln faced numerous critics that said he made a bad decision. Ask yourself how many critics are honored for criticizing people and how many parents tell their children that XYZ has their own statue for criticizing President Lincoln. In truth, critics don't get their own statues, monuments are only built for visionaries.
In his speech today, Senator Obama made it clear that he was tired of playing games and ready to transcend discussions of skin color. AP called his speech, "the most racially pointed speech yet of his presidential campaign", I disagree. Barack Obama's speech today that focused on race, unity, and the future, was his most inspiring speech for all Americans.